all postcodes in OL11 / ROCHDALE

find any address or company within the OL11 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL11 1HJ 28 1 53.611088 -2.159845
OL11 1HL 2 0 53.610154 -2.157527
OL11 1HP 6 0 53.610913 -2.156383
OL11 1HR 4 0 53.610848 -2.156472
OL11 1HW 31 0 53.610929 -2.15797
OL11 1HX 1 1 53.609 -2.154774
OL11 1HY 10 10 53.610073 -2.152329
OL11 1JG 15 0 53.609355 -2.151783
OL11 1JJ 16 3 53.609019 -2.153912
OL11 1JL 8 1 53.608812 -2.152882
OL11 1JN 22 0 53.608831 -2.153912
OL11 1JP 8 0 53.60831 -2.153169
OL11 1JQ 31 0 53.609238 -2.151858
OL11 1JR 37 1 53.608129 -2.153985
OL11 1JS 16 0 53.607968 -2.154075
OL11 1JT 10 2 53.607726 -2.152971
OL11 1JU 8 0 53.60832 -2.152625
OL11 1JW 12 0 53.608463 -2.153623
OL11 1JY 18 1 53.608409 -2.151566
OL11 1JZ 26 3 53.608859 -2.151673