all postcodes in OL11 / ROCHDALE

find any address or company within the OL11 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL11 5BG 19 0 53.620185 -2.177885
OL11 5BH 39 0 53.619025 -2.178394
OL11 5BJ 15 0 53.620276 -2.17722
OL11 5BQ 30 0 53.619626 -2.179152
OL11 5BT 21 1 53.619704 -2.173905
OL11 5BU 16 16 53.620765 -2.17509
OL11 5BW 1 1 53.616429 -2.171157
OL11 5BX 4 3 53.617887 -2.174956
OL11 5DE 38 0 53.617111 -2.178235
OL11 5DF 24 0 53.616293 -2.178609
OL11 5DG 36 3 53.617154 -2.17961
OL11 5DN 51 0 53.618002 -2.177679
OL11 5DP 41 0 53.618693 -2.177909
OL11 5DR 21 3 53.619122 -2.180012
OL11 5DT 30 0 53.618689 -2.180947
OL11 5DU 51 1 53.618427 -2.181823
OL11 5DW 4 0 53.619207 -2.176747
OL11 5DX 47 0 53.619323 -2.183807
OL11 5DY 14 0 53.619884 -2.181315
OL11 5DZ 40 0 53.620636 -2.194774