all postcodes in OL11 / ROCHDALE

find any address or company within the OL11 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL11 1NX 11 1 53.606997 -2.152785
OL11 1NY 16 0 53.606316 -2.152361
OL11 1NZ 8 0 53.606729 -2.153058
OL11 1PA 18 0 53.605514 -2.153733
OL11 1PB 26 0 53.605361 -2.154292
OL11 1PD 33 0 53.605288 -2.154896
OL11 1PE 35 0 53.605269 -2.155531
OL11 1PF 1 1 53.619193 -2.172784
OL11 1PG 16 0 53.60596 -2.15635
OL11 1PH 25 0 53.606188 -2.153932
OL11 1PJ 7 1 53.606656 -2.153284
OL11 1PL 36 0 53.606574 -2.154145
OL11 1PN 14 0 53.60695 -2.154372
OL11 1PP 9 0 53.606959 -2.155401
OL11 1PQ 34 1 53.606383 -2.156064
OL11 1PR 22 0 53.607355 -2.155418
OL11 1PS 9 0 53.606429 -2.155142
OL11 1PT 13 0 53.607498 -2.155403
OL11 1PU 10 0 53.60784 -2.15545
OL11 1PW 14 1 53.607086 -2.154404