all postcodes in OL12 / ROCHDALE

find any address or company within the OL12 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL12 7DW 2 53.625196 -2.181368
OL12 7DX 0 53.62586 -2.181779
OL12 7DY 0 53.625832 -2.182369
OL12 7DZ 0 53.626273 -2.182386
OL12 7EA 3 53.6265 -2.180905
OL12 7EB 0 53.627469 -2.181922
OL12 7ED 0 53.629356 -2.182248
OL12 7EE 0 53.630325 -2.183008
OL12 7EG 1 53.625981 -2.178831
OL12 7EH 0 53.625424 -2.178769
OL12 7EJ 0 53.625327 -2.176559
OL12 7EL 0 53.624868 -2.178086
OL12 7EN 0 53.624991 -2.178538
OL12 7EP 0 53.624863 -2.175606
OL12 7ER 0 53.625776 -2.178226
OL12 7ES 1 53.625354 -2.177649
OL12 7ET 0 53.624719 -2.175303
OL12 7EW 0 53.624789 -2.176967
OL12 7EY 1 53.611534 -2.148783
OL12 7GA 0 53.629893 -2.189539