all postcodes in OL13 / BACUP

find any address or company within the OL13 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL13 9DB 17 0 53.705369 -2.199316
OL13 9DD 13 0 53.705199 -2.198648
OL13 9DE 18 0 53.705344 -2.197937
OL13 9DF 14 0 53.705738 -2.19859
OL13 9DG 4 0 53.705803 -2.197485
OL13 9DJ 1 1 53.705095 -2.185287
OL13 9DL 2 0 53.705971 -2.197091
OL13 9DN 48 0 53.708332 -2.195633
OL13 9DP 5 0 53.708213 -2.196618
OL13 9DQ 18 0 53.706566 -2.196079
OL13 9DR 7 0 53.706348 -2.193988
OL13 9DS 10 0 53.706862 -2.192688
OL13 9DT 7 0 53.706482 -2.194686
OL13 9DU 8 0 53.706041 -2.194623
OL13 9DW 32 0 53.707681 -2.197812
OL13 9DX 2 0 53.706234 -2.195926
OL13 9DY 2 0 53.706093 -2.194138
OL13 9DZ 12 1 53.706241 -2.193276
OL13 9EA 4 0 53.706188 -2.192836
OL13 9EB 8 0 53.706296 -2.192746