all postcodes in OL15 / LITTLEBOROUGH

find any address or company within the OL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL15 8QU 0 53.633257 -2.107756
OL15 8QW 0 53.633264 -2.109813
OL15 8QX 0 53.634607 -2.106459
OL15 8QZ 0 53.639327 -2.114789
OL15 8RA 0 53.635232 -2.111103
OL15 8RB 0 53.635222 -2.112026
OL15 8RD 0 53.63569 -2.110923
OL15 8RE 0 53.643502 -2.110096
OL15 8RF 0 53.636386 -2.116203
OL15 8RG 0 53.645431 -2.113097
OL15 8RH 0 53.645709 -2.114595
OL15 8RJ 0 53.645141 -2.115456
OL15 8RL 0 53.644597 -2.111461
OL15 8RN 0 53.644598 -2.110145
OL15 8RP 0 53.645236 -2.110358
OL15 8RQ 0 53.638813 -2.116164
OL15 8RR 0 53.64619 -2.109181
OL15 8RS 0 53.639803 -2.115244
OL15 8RT 0 53.641893 -2.107172
OL15 8RU 0 53.645526 -2.108332