all postcodes in OL16 / ROCHDALE

find any address or company within the OL16 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL16 1LT 1 53.616359 -2.156826
OL16 1LU 5 53.616681 -2.156644
OL16 1LW 1 53.616547 -2.157689
OL16 1LY 1 53.616557 -2.156782
OL16 1LZ 0 53.616547 -2.157235
OL16 1NJ 2 53.61597 -2.157383
OL16 1NL 1 53.616152 -2.155796
OL16 1NR 2 53.616062 -2.156143
OL16 1NS 1 53.616045 -2.156145
OL16 1NT 3 53.61643 -2.156099
OL16 1NU 2 53.616163 -2.155737
OL16 1NY 1 53.616189 -2.1561
OL16 1NZ 1 53.615804 -2.155116
OL16 1PA 3 53.615499 -2.154873
OL16 1PB 6 53.61557 -2.155266
OL16 1PJ 1 53.612193 -2.160136
OL16 1PN 6 53.613855 -2.154323
OL16 1PQ 7 53.614924 -2.154206
OL16 1PS 5 53.613305 -2.154986
OL16 1PX 2 53.612754 -2.155844