all postcodes in OL16 / ROCHDALE

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Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL16 4HJ 8 0 53.611205 -2.121545
OL16 4HL 4 0 53.611574 -2.120971
OL16 4HN 3 1 53.610549 -2.112202
OL16 4HP 12 2 53.610342 -2.112247
OL16 4HQ 9 2 53.609257 -2.109312
OL16 4HR 4 2 53.610557 -2.112731
OL16 4HU 3 0 53.60862 -2.108857
OL16 4HX 44 13 53.60879 -2.108691
OL16 4HY 4 0 53.608205 -2.108113
OL16 4HZ 19 2 53.608089 -2.108659
OL16 4JA 9 0 53.607604 -2.108491
OL16 4JB 11 0 53.605327 -2.111841
OL16 4JD 32 9 53.607093 -2.107009
OL16 4JE 20 0 53.605298 -2.104239
OL16 4JF 13 3 53.603402 -2.103841
OL16 4JH 4 0 53.61151 -2.121969
OL16 4JJ 31 0 53.611904 -2.123073
OL16 4JL 4 0 53.610963 -2.121121
OL16 4JN 27 0 53.611284 -2.123117
OL16 4JP 11 0 53.601002 -2.103835