all postcodes in OL16 / ROCHDALE

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Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL16 5BJ 38 0 53.614652 -2.133814
OL16 5BL 42 0 53.614744 -2.132393
OL16 5BN 27 0 53.613556 -2.133206
OL16 5BP 12 0 53.61443 -2.131712
OL16 5BQ 35 4 53.615587 -2.133696
OL16 5BS 12 0 53.615095 -2.131684
OL16 5BT 1 1 53.61651 -2.128332
OL16 5BU 17 0 53.616183 -2.131823
OL16 5BW 9 0 53.613467 -2.132359
OL16 5BX 14 2 53.613666 -2.131785
OL16 5BY 15 0 53.614952 -2.131245
OL16 5BZ 22 0 53.614725 -2.139617
OL16 5DB 7 6 53.614134 -2.129003
OL16 5DH 8 0 53.613617 -2.143318
OL16 5DJ 7 1 53.613886 -2.14167
OL16 5DL 36 2 53.6134 -2.142847
OL16 5DN 24 11 53.613682 -2.141263
OL16 5DP 24 0 53.615608 -2.131458
OL16 5DQ 5 0 53.613472 -2.143937
OL16 5DS 30 1 53.612376 -2.143193