all postcodes in OL5 / ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE

find any address or company within the OL5 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL5 0SA 22 0 53.523904 -2.036705
OL5 0BN 7 1 53.520792 -2.041318
OL5 0BP 4 0 53.520621 -2.041617
OL5 0BQ 5 0 53.520883 -2.040624
OL5 0BS 19 0 53.520343 -2.041242
OL5 0BT 29 0 53.520298 -2.041001
OL5 0BU 22 0 53.520145 -2.040563
OL5 0BW 2 0 53.522986 -2.036823
OL5 0BX 4 0 53.519939 -2.040125
OL5 0DA 11 0 53.519686 -2.042553
OL5 0DE 3 0 53.509591 -2.043552
OL5 0DG 2 0 53.508459 -2.041319
OL5 0DH 18 0 53.51254 -2.043798
OL5 0DJ 22 0 53.511578 -2.044068
OL5 0DL 20 0 53.510941 -2.042695
OL5 0DN 56 0 53.511965 -2.042817
OL5 0DP 8 0 53.51317 -2.04223
OL5 0DU 2 0 53.512863 -2.042967
OL5 0DW 40 0 53.511984 -2.041641
OL5 0DX 2 0 53.513412 -2.042274