all postcodes in OL6 / ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE

find any address or company within the OL6 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL6 8SQ 41 0 53.502787 -2.091745
OL6 8SR 4 0 53.494775 -2.093957
OL6 8SS 37 3 53.49439 -2.094379
OL6 8ST 11 0 53.49404 -2.094303
OL6 8SU 38 0 53.494157 -2.093851
OL6 8SX 44 0 53.495335 -2.093658
OL6 8SZ 10 1 53.49546 -2.094261
OL6 8TA 17 0 53.496548 -2.093932
OL6 8TB 6 0 53.497096 -2.094476
OL6 8TD 9 0 53.497779 -2.094794
OL6 8TE 16 0 53.500088 -2.095809
OL6 8TF 27 0 53.500996 -2.095691
OL6 8TG 23 0 53.500934 -2.093851
OL6 8TH 13 0 53.501401 -2.094697
OL6 8TJ 13 0 53.502183 -2.094698
OL6 8TL 26 0 53.501993 -2.096145
OL6 8TN 24 0 53.502415 -2.096402
OL6 8TP 12 0 53.502885 -2.093087
OL6 8TQ 29 0 53.501463 -2.096114
OL6 8TR 40 0 53.501842 -2.093868