all postcodes in OL7 / ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE

find any address or company within the OL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL7 0RG 3 53.479874 -2.103614
OL7 0RJ 1 53.479513 -2.106657
OL7 0RQ 0 53.478602 -2.109969
OL7 0RS 0 53.481383 -2.106134
OL7 0RX 1 53.480953 -2.104491
OL7 0SA 0 53.482714 -2.104841
OL7 0SB 0 53.483083 -2.104496
OL7 0SD 0 53.483441 -2.104361
OL7 0SE 0 53.483219 -2.103773
OL7 0SF 0 53.483632 -2.103593
OL7 0SH 1 53.483624 -2.102809
OL7 0SL 0 53.482438 -2.10252
OL7 0SN 0 53.481295 -2.10419
OL7 0SP 0 53.482087 -2.102896
OL7 0SR 0 53.481825 -2.103935
OL7 0ST 0 53.480726 -2.106735
OL7 0SU 0 53.480817 -2.106449
OL7 0SW 0 53.481673 -2.103679
OL7 0SY 0 53.48061 -2.106479
OL7 0SZ 0 53.481141 -2.105681