all postcodes in OL9 / OLDHAM

find any address or company within the OL9 postcode district

Postcode Area

OL / Oldham

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OL9 6NR 8 0 53.545511 -2.136477
OL9 6NW 6 0 53.546734 -2.13624
OL9 6NX 10 0 53.545251 -2.135797
OL9 6NY 3 0 53.547239 -2.134597
OL9 6PA 36 0 53.543689 -2.134449
OL9 6PB 36 0 53.543993 -2.135748
OL9 6PD 24 0 53.544296 -2.136456
OL9 6PE 34 0 53.544748 -2.136083
OL9 6PF 3 0 53.544505 -2.135886
OL9 6PG 3 0 53.54428 -2.136036
OL9 6PH 7 0 53.544255 -2.134979
OL9 6PJ 3 0 53.544048 -2.134979
OL9 6PL 4 0 53.543976 -2.134662
OL9 6PN 4 0 53.544273 -2.134346
OL9 6PP 1 1 53.544567 -2.137048
OL9 6PQ 9 0 53.54429 -2.135674
OL9 6PS 4 0 53.545214 -2.136793
OL9 6PT 6 0 53.544732 -2.13394
OL9 6PU 11 0 53.544287 -2.129788
OL9 6PW 13 0 53.54487 -2.131616