all postcodes in OX1 / OXFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX1 3EY 9 51.753492 -1.258318
OX1 3EZ 3 51.753721 -1.258995
OX1 3HA 9 51.753383 -1.258765
OX1 3HB 6 51.75245 -1.258393
OX1 3HE 1 51.753319 -1.2579
OX1 3HJ 6 51.752828 -1.258531
OX1 3HL 1 51.752607 -1.257753
OX1 3HS 1 51.750231 -1.267367
OX1 3HY 1 51.752097 -1.258051
OX1 3HZ 2 51.752961 -1.258743
OX1 3JA 1 51.759355 -1.249905
OX1 3JB 1 51.752844 -1.259589
OX1 3JD 19 51.7522 -1.258672
OX1 3JE 1 51.752828 -1.258531
OX1 3JP 1 51.756511 -1.25854
OX1 3JS 2 51.757554 -1.25941
OX1 3LB 1 51.758904 -1.259605
OX1 3LD 5 51.758508 -1.260988
OX1 3LE 1 51.759057 -1.259704
OX1 3LJ 1 51.758463 -1.260917