all postcodes in OX10 / WALLINGFORD

find any address or company within the OX10 postcode district

Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX10 0TH 22 0 51.601217 -1.133915
OX10 0AW 2 0 51.616399 -1.160534
OX10 0DE 2 0 51.616418 -1.160635
OX10 0DZ 0 51.60534 -1.134529
OX10 0DW 0 51.605189 -1.134411
OX10 0FD 0 51.612706 -1.157121
OX10 0FE 6 0 51.600207 -1.131032
OX10 0FH 2 0 51.600157 -1.125079