all postcodes in OX10 / WALLINGFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX10 0DQ 6 0 51.597872 -1.126558
OX10 0DR 25 0 51.599182 -1.127413
OX10 0DT 13 2 51.599668 -1.127563
OX10 0DU 2 1 51.600127 -1.127202
OX10 0DX 16 1 51.599828 -1.126029
OX10 0DY 4 2 51.600329 -1.124489
OX10 0EB 6 0 51.599155 -1.12506
OX10 0ED 3 3 51.599155 -1.12506
OX10 0EF 1 1 51.600722 -1.125362
OX10 0EG 19 12 51.599852 -1.124426
OX10 0EH 1 1 51.599968 -1.12438
OX10 0EJ 1 1 51.600112 -1.124378
OX10 0EL 27 15 51.600599 -1.124189
OX10 0ER 8 2 51.598808 -1.125047
OX10 0ES 5 4 51.598984 -1.124948
OX10 0ET 21 3 51.597581 -1.125018
OX10 0EU 15 3 51.597808 -1.125259
OX10 0EW 24 13 51.598976 -1.124697
OX10 0EX 13 0 51.597514 -1.12437
OX10 0EY 1 1 51.598808 -1.125047