all postcodes in OX11 / DIDCOT

find any address or company within the OX11 postcode district

Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX11 6FX 0 51.606355 -1.273363
OX11 6GB 0 51.60823 -1.272582
OX11 6GD 3 51.606272 -1.271473
OX11 6GE 0 51.604195 -1.270019
OX11 6GR 0 51.604732 -1.269634
OX11 6GF 0 51.606412 -1.272409
OX11 6GH 7 0 51.60023 -1.264379
OX11 6GJ 10 0 51.60296 -1.268205
OX11 6GS 8 0 51.601894 -1.263024
OX11 6HB 0 51.600627 -1.264546
OX11 7AA 1 51.60728 -1.252052
OX11 7AB 0 51.60855 -1.252407
OX11 7AD 2 51.609595 -1.252664
OX11 7AF 1 51.614292 -1.241534
OX11 7AG 0 51.608375 -1.25316
OX11 7AH 0 51.606657 -1.253044
OX11 7AJ 2 51.607229 -1.253916
OX11 7AL 0 51.605914 -1.260681
OX11 7AN 0 51.606423 -1.254535
OX11 7AP 0 51.605437 -1.263432