all postcodes in OX12 / WANTAGE

find any address or company within the OX12 postcode district

Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX12 0HH 2 0 51.635109 -1.395418
OX12 0HJ 10 0 51.636811 -1.39778
OX12 0HL 30 0 51.638365 -1.39565
OX12 0HN 10 0 51.637033 -1.394196
OX12 0HP 16 4 51.63601 -1.392765
OX12 0HQ 20 0 51.63553 -1.395632
OX12 0HR 3 0 51.635605 -1.394389
OX12 0HS 15 1 51.635376 -1.379899
OX12 0HT 11 0 51.634049 -1.396172
OX12 0HU 14 0 51.634304 -1.398452
OX12 0HW 10 0 51.636471 -1.393308
OX12 0HX 19 0 51.63335 -1.398305
OX12 0HY 10 0 51.633407 -1.398868
OX12 0HZ 4 0 51.632537 -1.399226
OX12 0JA 11 0 51.632405 -1.398159
OX12 0JB 18 0 51.632675 -1.401623
OX12 0JD 8 0 51.631948 -1.401864
OX12 0JE 15 1 51.631459 -1.400784
OX12 0JF 7 0 51.631629 -1.401044
OX12 0JG 6 0 51.630392 -1.403167