all postcodes in OX14 / ABINGDON

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX14 1ES 0 51.674176 -1.282318
OX14 1ET 0 51.675855 -1.283391
OX14 1EU 0 51.677001 -1.281982
OX14 1EW 0 51.674048 -1.284923
OX14 1EZ 0 51.672586 -1.284064
OX14 1FF 1 51.66921 -1.287703
OX14 1FL 1 51.66921 -1.287703
OX14 1GG 1 51.680624 -1.28696
OX14 1GY 1 51.66921 -1.287703
OX14 1HA 0 51.67757 -1.282959
OX14 1HB 1 51.676695 -1.28397
OX14 1HD 0 51.676824 -1.286022
OX14 1HE 0 51.677344 -1.285201
OX14 1HF 0 51.677558 -1.28637
OX14 1HG 0 51.678353 -1.28546
OX14 1HH 0 51.678882 -1.285235
OX14 1HJ 0 51.679367 -1.285083
OX14 1HL 0 51.679917 -1.283888
OX14 1HN 0 51.680061 -1.285405
OX14 1HQ 0 51.678759 -1.284268