all postcodes in OX14 / ABINGDON

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX14 1JX 0 51.682042 -1.291031
OX14 1JY 0 51.682492 -1.291803
OX14 1JZ 0 51.681869 -1.289961
OX14 1LA 0 51.682103 -1.288482
OX14 1LB 0 51.682697 -1.287142
OX14 1LD 13 51.678606 -1.287816
OX14 1LE 0 51.681113 -1.292808
OX14 1LF 0 51.683047 -1.292879
OX14 1LH 0 51.683672 -1.289979
OX14 1LJ 0 51.68321 -1.290128
OX14 1LL 0 51.682565 -1.289112
OX14 1LN 0 51.683486 -1.288912
OX14 1LP 0 51.683735 -1.288474
OX14 1LR 0 51.683167 -1.286631
OX14 1LS 0 51.684071 -1.28686
OX14 1LT 0 51.684671 -1.286446
OX14 1LU 0 51.684481 -1.284684
OX14 1LW 0 51.683152 -1.287974
OX14 1LX 1 51.683627 -1.28477
OX14 1LY 0 51.683743 -1.286171