all postcodes in OX14 / ABINGDON

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX14 9EP 1 0 51.66921 -1.287703
OX14 9EY 1 51.66921 -1.287703
OX14 9EZ 1 51.66921 -1.287703
OX14 9FF 1 1 51.66921 -1.287703
OX14 9FY 1 51.66921 -1.287703
OX14 9GQ 0 51.66921 -1.287703
OX14 9GS 1 0 51.66921 -1.287703
OX14 9GU 1 0 51.66921 -1.287703
OX14 9GZ 1 51.66921 -1.287703
OX14 9HE 1 1 51.669213 -1.287686
OX14 9HF 1 1 51.66921 -1.287703
OX14 9HT 1 51.669213 -1.287686
OX14 9HU 1 51.669213 -1.287686
OX14 9HW 1 0 51.66921 -1.287703
OX14 9SN 1 51.670592 -1.279902
OX14 9SP 1 51.670592 -1.279902
OX14 9TQ 1 51.670592 -1.279902
OX14 9TR 1 51.670592 -1.279902
OX14 9TS 1 51.670592 -1.279902
OX14 9TT 1 51.670592 -1.279902