all postcodes in OX16 / BANBURY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX16 2NS 23 0 52.067862 -1.34961
OX16 2NT 35 1 52.067424 -1.346786
OX16 2NU 22 0 52.06622 -1.346848
OX16 2NW 10 0 52.067287 -1.351238
OX16 2NX 5 0 52.065872 -1.345803
OX16 2NY 10 0 52.065736 -1.346898
OX16 2NZ 1 1 52.070081 -1.347594
OX16 2PA 61 1 52.063506 -1.332753
OX16 2PP 1 1 52.06637 -1.336356
OX16 2PQ 3 3 52.063761 -1.333318
OX16 2PR 1 1 52.064762 -1.33695
OX16 2QU 1 1 52.070856 -1.341513
OX16 2RD 1 1 52.068089 -1.336666
OX16 2RE 1 1 52.067148 -1.337498
OX16 2RL 10 10 52.068481 -1.337594
OX16 2RP 2 2 52.069424 -1.335961
OX16 2RR 6 6 52.070318 -1.338092
OX16 2RS 1 1 52.07078 -1.337546
OX16 2RT 10 7 52.068985 -1.336537
OX16 2RX 4 4 52.067044 -1.339936