all postcodes in OX18 / BURFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX18 2DF 0 51.723463 -1.509019
OX18 2DG 0 51.725068 -1.511274
OX18 2DH 0 51.727294 -1.511309
OX18 2DJ 0 51.726256 -1.508265
OX18 2DL 2 51.72496 -1.508004
OX18 2DN 0 51.723474 -1.506398
OX18 2DP 0 51.72399 -1.506147
OX18 2DQ 2 51.726676 -1.51088
OX18 2DR 0 51.722889 -1.505102
OX18 2DS 0 51.723244 -1.505199
OX18 2DT 0 51.722927 -1.503509
OX18 2DU 2 51.725291 -1.505424
OX18 2DW 0 51.724142 -1.506854
OX18 2DX 0 51.724658 -1.506647
OX18 2DY 0 51.725603 -1.506882
OX18 2DZ 0 51.726596 -1.503657
OX18 2EA 0 51.726536 -1.504397
OX18 2EB 0 51.724421 -1.503754
OX18 2ED 0 51.726674 -1.49342
OX18 2EE 0 51.725649 -1.492361