all postcodes in OX18 / BURFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX18 3LL 0 51.756128 -1.604646
OX18 3LN 0 51.757422 -1.604272
OX18 3LP 0 51.761558 -1.601744
OX18 3LQ 0 51.761326 -1.589213
OX18 3LR 0 51.762655 -1.604429
OX18 3LS 0 51.763396 -1.602728
OX18 3LT 0 51.762346 -1.603374
OX18 3LU 0 51.76272 -1.602284
OX18 3LW 0 51.7567 -1.603511
OX18 3LX 510 51.762298 -1.581655
OX18 3LY 1 51.766229 -1.568113
OX18 3LZ 0 51.766628 -1.565892
OX18 3NA 0 51.767288 -1.566871
OX18 3NB 0 51.769654 -1.567283
OX18 3ND 0 51.771558 -1.566584
OX18 3NE 0 51.770675 -1.566187
OX18 3NF 0 51.770101 -1.566352
OX18 3NG 0 51.771996 -1.556189
OX18 3NH 0 51.771893 -1.553639
OX18 3NJ 1 51.771831 -1.536857