all postcodes in OX2 / OXFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX2 9JQ 27 0 51.740096 -1.310095
OX2 9JR 5 0 51.742025 -1.309501
OX2 9JS 1 1 51.753753 -1.299442
OX2 9JT 20 1 51.752243 -1.298002
OX2 9JU 41 4 51.751176 -1.300594
OX2 9JW 1 0 51.750851 -1.298212
OX2 9JX 1 1 51.751889 -1.297472
OX2 9JY 12 0 51.750531 -1.300448
OX2 9JZ 20 2 51.752822 -1.298616
OX2 9LA 17 0 51.752647 -1.2993
OX2 9LB 21 0 51.752504 -1.299563
OX2 9LD 27 0 51.751917 -1.300513
OX2 9LE 21 0 51.752741 -1.3015
OX2 9LF 19 0 51.752827 -1.300992
OX2 9LG 20 14 51.75161 -1.298009
OX2 9LH 18 7 51.751001 -1.297688
OX2 9LJ 8 6 51.750856 -1.29818
OX2 9LN 56 0 51.751813 -1.302717
OX2 9LP 4 2 51.751808 -1.297328
OX2 9LS 8 6 51.751577 -1.297053