all postcodes in OX20 / WOODSTOCK

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX20 1SX 8 4 51.847508 -1.355084
OX20 1SY 9 5 51.847233 -1.3559
OX20 1SZ 1 1 51.847381 -1.356595
OX20 1TA 16 5 51.84771 -1.355937
OX20 1TD 4 0 51.848746 -1.354732
OX20 1TE 18 7 51.847235 -1.354652
OX20 1TF 13 4 51.847005 -1.355192
OX20 1TG 26 5 51.846727 -1.353701
OX20 1TH 18 6 51.847421 -1.354112
OX20 1TJ 25 1 51.848354 -1.355391
OX20 1TL 9 0 51.848804 -1.358767
OX20 1TR 7 1 51.846894 -1.353074
OX20 1TQ 6 0 51.846588 -1.353035
OX20 1FF 31 0 51.847043 -1.352317
OX20 1TS 11 1 51.847434 -1.353558
OX20 1TT 25 3 51.848259 -1.354434
OX20 1TU 1 1 51.851582 -1.352049
OX20 1TX 22 0 51.848756 -1.356416
OX20 1TY 12 0 51.848861 -1.357547
OX20 1TZ 4 0 51.848945 -1.35817