all postcodes in OX28 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX28 1EQ 0 51.794717 -1.467501
OX28 1ER 0 51.79408 -1.475774
OX28 1ES 0 51.795317 -1.466972
OX28 1ET 0 51.795186 -1.471773
OX28 1EU 0 51.796077 -1.470095
OX28 1EW 0 51.794731 -1.474737
OX28 1EX 0 51.794908 -1.465948
OX28 1EY 0 51.794128 -1.46645
OX28 1EZ 0 51.794027 -1.466118
OX28 1GP 0 51.793708 -1.477127
OX28 1HE 0 51.793973 -1.484185
OX28 1HF 0 51.79555 -1.482876
OX28 1HG 0 51.797489 -1.483027
OX28 1HH 0 51.793977 -1.485084
OX28 1HJ 5 51.79599 -1.483595
OX28 1HL 2 51.798407 -1.484453
OX28 1HN 0 51.796415 -1.481271
OX28 1HP 0 51.796879 -1.482615
OX28 1HQ 1 51.798709 -1.483565
OX28 1HR 0 51.797659 -1.481953