all postcodes in OX28 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX28 9TE 1 51.793339 -1.479117
OX28 9TF 1 51.793339 -1.479117
OX28 9TG 1 51.793339 -1.479117
OX28 9TH 1 51.793339 -1.479117
OX28 9TJ 1 51.793339 -1.479117
OX28 9TL 1 51.793339 -1.479117
OX28 9TN 1 51.793339 -1.479117
OX28 9TP 1 51.793345 -1.479116
OX28 9BL 1 51.776948 -1.485118
OX28 9BN 1 51.776948 -1.485118
OX28 9BP 1 51.776948 -1.485118
OX28 9DQ 1 51.776948 -1.485118
OX28 9EH 1 51.776953 -1.485102
OX28 9EU 1 1 51.776948 -1.485118
OX28 9FA 1 51.776948 -1.485118
OX28 9FE 1 1 51.776948 -1.485118
OX28 9FY 1 51.776948 -1.485118
OX28 9GF 1 1 51.776948 -1.485118
OX28 9GT 1 1 51.776948 -1.485118
OX28 9GU 1 1 51.776948 -1.485118