all postcodes in OX29 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX29 0ST 13 0 51.796657 -1.548638
OX29 0SU 1 1 51.791274 -1.522043
OX29 0SW 20 4 51.786552 -1.544245
OX29 0SX 32 0 51.79331 -1.548729
OX29 0SY 6 6 51.791346 -1.522144
OX29 0TA 1 1 51.794267 -1.56831
OX29 0XJ 1 1 51.776948 -1.485118
OX29 0YA 2 2 51.787237 -1.520548
OX29 0YB 9 8 51.790284 -1.522691
OX29 0YD 1 1 51.788621 -1.521999
OX29 0YE 2 2 51.787843 -1.523833
OX29 0YL 1 1 51.7884 -1.518507
OX29 0YN 18 16 51.788014 -1.521627
OX29 0YG 12 12 51.78803 -1.514494
OX29 0AB 5 0 51.787369 -1.551036
OX29 0AD 7 0 51.793389 -1.564389
OX29 0AE 0 51.795991 -1.5447