all postcodes in OX29 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX29 5SN 11 0 51.747758 -1.407637
OX29 5SQ 16 0 51.74835 -1.409135
OX29 5SR 2 0 51.724265 -1.389512
OX29 5SS 2 0 51.72353 -1.389927
OX29 5ST 4 0 51.723426 -1.393289
OX29 5SU 4 0 51.723062 -1.394162
OX29 5SW 9 0 51.749019 -1.406374
OX29 5SX 32 3 51.723742 -1.391707
OX29 5SY 7 0 51.710981 -1.403514
OX29 5SZ 6 0 51.723688 -1.392545
OX29 5TA 21 0 51.724484 -1.392638
OX29 5TB 6 0 51.728796 -1.391943
OX29 5TD 9 0 51.748377 -1.405644
OX29 5UH 12 5 51.721637 -1.3925
OX29 5UX 13 10 51.746388 -1.406988
OX29 5UT 3 51.746688 -1.408532
OX29 5AD 1 1 51.739745 -1.426277
OX29 5AF 0 51.747699 -1.410317
OX29 5BE 6 0 51.748022 -1.406663
OX29 5AA 10 0 51.756042 -1.399502