all postcodes in OX29 / WITNEY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX29 7PR 6 6 51.740015 -1.445217
OX29 7QU 6 0 51.741316 -1.464986
OX29 7PS 7 0 51.756795 -1.474177
OX29 7PT 1 0 51.756976 -1.460469
OX29 7PU 1 1 51.753114 -1.463311
OX29 7PX 1 0 51.752803 -1.458274
OX29 7QA 8 0 51.726116 -1.41122
OX29 7QB 5 0 51.715362 -1.427543
OX29 7QD 5 2 51.710139 -1.416797
OX29 7QE 28 2 51.751602 -1.452275
OX29 7QF 6 2 51.747763 -1.440762
OX29 7QG 2 2 51.737447 -1.443989
OX29 7QH 37 3 51.728664 -1.441564
OX29 7QJ 6 0 51.728639 -1.44378
OX29 7QL 2 0 51.725586 -1.439805
OX29 7QN 37 0 51.724862 -1.435993
OX29 7QP 4 0 51.725903 -1.464517
OX29 7QQ 10 0 51.730917 -1.44436
OX29 7QS 4 0 51.716192 -1.460491
OX29 7QT 8 0 51.729387 -1.444089