all postcodes in OX2 / OXFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX2 0DG 0 51.753188 -1.277387
OX2 0DH 0 51.75205 -1.273595
OX2 0DL 0 51.751675 -1.273993
OX2 0DP 16 51.748456 -1.277503
OX2 0DR 1 51.74692 -1.272722
OX2 0ED 0 51.753234 -1.281921
OX2 0EJ 1 51.747485 -1.273944
OX2 0EN 1 51.747018 -1.275501
OX2 0EQ 1 51.747022 -1.271793
OX2 0ER 1 51.747476 -1.272626
OX2 0ES 27 51.748149 -1.273774
OX2 0ET 0 51.751552 -1.278905
OX2 0EU 0 51.751514 -1.2785
OX2 0EX 2 51.753715 -1.279639
OX2 0EY 1 51.753676 -1.279132
OX2 0EZ 1 51.752255 -1.279112
OX2 0FA 1 51.746219 -1.272776
OX2 0FB 1 51.753483 -1.294868
OX2 0GE 1 51.752292 -1.291149
OX2 0HA 12 51.751766 -1.286562