all postcodes in OX3 / OXFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX3 7XR 1 1 51.751121 -1.218461
OX3 7YR 1 0 51.722612 -1.213408
OX3 7SJ 0 51.760885 -1.215641
OX3 7NZ 11 0 51.757032 -1.216346
OX3 7DG 1 51.751648 -1.215294
OX3 7QN 0 51.752949 -1.208159
OX3 7QP 0 51.752978 -1.208462
OX3 7QR 0 51.752834 -1.208378
OX3 7QS 0 51.752563 -1.208252
OX3 7ZY 1 1 51.751648 -1.215294
OX3 7ZW 1 1 51.751648 -1.215294
OX3 7NR 60 0 51.750125 -1.210729
OX3 7QX 0 51.749677 -1.210852
OX3 7HE 1 51.754093 -1.20896
OX3 7DQ 3 51.751953 -1.214299
OX3 7GH 0 51.761167 -1.217477
OX3 7DZ 12 3 51.758502 -1.21435
OX3 7FJ 0 51.744179 -1.199622
OX3 7FL 0 51.744179 -1.199622
OX3 7FN 0 51.744179 -1.199622