all postcodes in OX33 / OXFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX33 1SX 0 51.744093 -1.140369
OX33 1SY 0 51.74381 -1.140997
OX33 1SZ 0 51.743678 -1.141304
OX33 1TA 0 51.742269 -1.145429
OX33 1TB 0 51.741283 -1.153254
OX33 1TD 0 51.740833 -1.158202
OX33 1TE 0 51.741575 -1.15572
OX33 1TF 1 51.743948 -1.163879
OX33 1TG 2 51.740523 -1.162682
OX33 1TH 0 51.740644 -1.164534
OX33 1TJ 0 51.738849 -1.161265
OX33 1TL 0 51.738801 -1.16199
OX33 1TN 0 51.738723 -1.162455
OX33 1TP 0 51.744781 -1.150901
OX33 1TQ 0 51.741016 -1.162543
OX33 1TR 1 51.744654 -1.151989
OX33 1TS 0 51.745506 -1.147947
OX33 1TT 1 51.745744 -1.147232
OX33 1TU 0 51.745928 -1.146664
OX33 1TW 0 51.738059 -1.161367