all postcodes in OX33 / OXFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX33 1YF 0 51.744892 -1.129129
OX33 1YG 0 51.74576 -1.129793
OX33 1YH 0 51.74523 -1.125524
OX33 1YJ 3 51.746024 -1.126572
OX33 1YL 0 51.744341 -1.125156
OX33 1YN 0 51.748203 -1.135554
OX33 1YP 0 51.74859 -1.137396
OX33 1YQ 0 51.746008 -1.128064
OX33 1YS 0 51.746678 -1.127457
OX33 1YT 0 51.746729 -1.12834
OX33 1YW 2 51.746578 -1.126214
OX33 1YX 0 51.747406 -1.127501
OX33 1YY 0 51.74722 -1.126578
OX33 1YZ 1 51.741374 -1.116842
OX33 1ZX 1 51.746727 -1.135365
OX33 1DN 6 0 51.780471 -1.165234
OX33 1WT 1 1 51.746727 -1.135365
OX33 1WE 1 51.746727 -1.135365
OX33 1DW 1 1 51.743604 -1.119232
OX33 1PE 2 2 51.74985 -1.107458