all postcodes in OX33 / OXFORD

find any address or company within the OX33 postcode district

Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX33 1LU 1 51.747101 -1.132977
OX33 1LZ 7 51.747305 -1.136919
OX33 1NA 0 51.748116 -1.138969
OX33 1NB 2 51.748194 -1.140465
OX33 1ND 0 51.74974 -1.139161
OX33 1NE 0 51.750806 -1.139865
OX33 1NG 0 51.749531 -1.14128
OX33 1NH 2 51.747822 -1.139279
OX33 1NJ 1 51.748581 -1.142949
OX33 1NL 0 51.746889 -1.147703
OX33 1NN 1 51.748125 -1.145038
OX33 1NQ 0 51.74905 -1.141999
OX33 1NR 1 51.748129 -1.143827
OX33 1NS 0 51.746393 -1.151276
OX33 1NT 0 51.745302 -1.153252
OX33 1NU 0 51.746875 -1.152035
OX33 1NW 1 51.747691 -1.145486
OX33 1NX 0 51.746408 -1.158272
OX33 1NY 0 51.748672 -1.166163
OX33 1NZ 0 51.745725 -1.154663