all postcodes in OX39 / CHINNOR

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX39 4JY 0 51.70084 -0.919677
OX39 4JZ 0 51.700971 -0.921295
OX39 4LA 0 51.714548 -0.935012
OX39 4LB 0 51.714581 -0.93525
OX39 4LD 1 51.714192 -0.933414
OX39 4LE 0 51.713424 -0.933996
OX39 4LF 0 51.714109 -0.934255
OX39 4LG 0 51.713688 -0.934439
OX39 4LH 0 51.710776 -0.935564
OX39 4LJ 0 51.711056 -0.940696
OX39 4LL 0 51.710827 -0.940664
OX39 4LN 0 51.710998 -0.940248
OX39 4LP 0 51.711268 -0.943238
OX39 4LQ 0 51.713011 -0.935121
OX39 4LR 0 51.711107 -0.941859
OX39 4LS 0 51.710543 -0.942632
OX39 4LT 0 51.71086 -0.943855
OX39 4LU 0 51.710866 -0.944492
OX39 4LW 0 51.710506 -0.941519
OX39 4LX 0 51.710342 -0.944244