all postcodes in OX4 / OXFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX4 2LZ 1 51.734987 -1.209805
OX4 2NA 4 51.735148 -1.209686
OX4 2ND 2 51.736487 -1.208804
OX4 2NE 3 51.738135 -1.207346
OX4 2NG 1 51.736538 -1.207823
OX4 2NH 2 51.736683 -1.208023
OX4 2NL 2 51.73841 -1.206733
OX4 2NP 0 51.737297 -1.205724
OX4 2NQ 0 51.735511 -1.208912
OX4 2NR 0 51.736983 -1.205802
OX4 2NS 1 51.737311 -1.20834
OX4 2NT 0 51.737022 -1.210305
OX4 2NU 0 51.738945 -1.210127
OX4 2NW 0 51.736552 -1.207287
OX4 2NX 0 51.737739 -1.208656
OX4 2NY 1 51.738564 -1.21093
OX4 2NZ 0 51.739043 -1.214523
OX4 2PA 0 51.738084 -1.210374
OX4 2PB 1 51.738716 -1.21491
OX4 2PD 0 51.738705 -1.212429