all postcodes in OX4 / OXFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX4 4EY 36 1 51.730514 -1.232312
OX4 4FA 11 0 51.739994 -1.235569
OX4 4FX 1 0 51.722612 -1.213408
OX4 4GA 95 95 51.716502 -1.218059
OX4 4GB 7 7 51.716181 -1.220478
OX4 4GD 1 0 51.717287 -1.21709
OX4 4GH 1 1 51.722612 -1.213408
OX4 4GP 7 6 51.716328 -1.21495
OX4 4GX 1 1 51.712672 -1.231702
OX4 4HB 9 0 51.731718 -1.236201
OX4 4HE 13 0 51.729984 -1.229657
OX4 4HH 17 0 51.731172 -1.229752
OX4 4HJ 5 0 51.727941 -1.22374
OX4 4HN 15 0 51.732588 -1.230351
OX4 4HP 5 0 51.730392 -1.225957
OX4 4HR 9 0 51.727201 -1.223362
OX4 4HS 36 3 51.731282 -1.227274
OX4 4HT 39 2 51.727994 -1.224271
OX4 4HW 11 0 51.732431 -1.231193
OX4 4HX 45 5 51.727506 -1.224732