all postcodes in OX4 / OXFORD

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX4 1ER 0 51.744362 -1.238059
OX4 1ES 0 51.744146 -1.237961
OX4 1ET 0 51.746694 -1.238498
OX4 1EU 5 51.747128 -1.237564
OX4 1EW 0 51.74354 -1.237421
OX4 1EX 0 51.746212 -1.239129
OX4 1EY 1 51.722612 -1.213408
OX4 1EZ 0 51.746141 -1.237739
OX4 1FA 0 51.749105 -1.24289
OX4 1FH 1 51.722612 -1.213408
OX4 1FX 1 51.722612 -1.213408
OX4 1GA 0 51.749146 -1.231228
OX4 1GB 0 51.748528 -1.23021
OX4 1GD 0 51.748132 -1.231521
OX4 1GH 9 51.74792 -1.229941
OX4 1GS 0 51.746032 -1.234902
OX4 1GY 0 51.744995 -1.228909
OX4 1HA 0 51.744665 -1.236186
OX4 1HB 0 51.745944 -1.237989
OX4 1HD 1 51.745022 -1.237164