all postcodes in OX5 / WOODSTOCK

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX5 3AA 0 51.865877 -1.309277
OX5 3AB 0 51.872651 -1.300792
OX5 3AD 0 51.865984 -1.329532
OX5 3AE 0 51.878968 -1.31082
OX5 3AF 0 51.880702 -1.307495
OX5 3AG 1 51.881246 -1.30833
OX5 3AH 5 51.88293 -1.305732
OX5 3AJ 0 51.885517 -1.302278
OX5 3AL 2 51.880869 -1.30527
OX5 3AN 0 51.886961 -1.304697
OX5 3AP 1 51.881945 -1.301996
OX5 3AQ 0 51.880686 -1.306391
OX5 3AR 0 51.881327 -1.300629
OX5 3AS 0 51.883231 -1.298768
OX5 3AT 0 51.882052 -1.298871
OX5 3AU 1 51.86453 -1.306408
OX5 3AW 0 51.883379 -1.301033
OX5 3AX 3 51.860513 -1.300733
OX5 3AY 4 51.8612 -1.304324
OX5 3AZ 0 51.862123 -1.311527