all postcodes in OX5 / WOODSTOCK

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX5 3EJ 0 51.885467 -1.301378
OX5 3EL 1 51.849656 -1.309148
OX5 3EN 1 51.889042 -1.313191
OX5 3EP 2 51.870047 -1.329213
OX5 3ER 0 51.86597 -1.328504
OX5 3EU 1 51.885261 -1.285007
OX5 3EW 0 51.88434 -1.323915
OX5 3EZ 0 51.870418 -1.277951
OX5 3HA 2 51.871569 -1.276465
OX5 3HB 0 51.871081 -1.277446
OX5 3HD 0 51.871952 -1.277403
OX5 3HE 0 51.8709 -1.278742
OX5 3HF 0 51.869885 -1.274546
OX5 3HG 0 51.867737 -1.274697
OX5 3HH 0 51.871904 -1.278276
OX5 3HJ 1 51.872954 -1.275063
OX5 3HL 1 51.874466 -1.275228
OX5 3HN 0 51.874909 -1.275671
OX5 3HP 0 51.877448 -1.277766
OX5 3HQ 0 51.868255 -1.275531