all postcodes in OX5 / WOODSTOCK

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX5 1DD 7 1 51.809608 -1.280286
OX5 1DE 9 0 51.809274 -1.280103
OX5 1DF 12 0 51.808661 -1.279793
OX5 1DG 28 0 51.808977 -1.281471
OX5 1DH 36 0 51.810812 -1.284575
OX5 1DJ 26 0 51.81002 -1.283021
OX5 1DL 1 0 51.808299 -1.282424
OX5 1DN 8 0 51.809805 -1.281675
OX5 1DP 45 0 51.811138 -1.283583
OX5 1DQ 43 0 51.80976 -1.283199
OX5 1DR 5 0 51.810687 -1.281763
OX5 1DS 1 1 51.823003 -1.287429
OX5 1DW 19 0 51.810411 -1.28226
OX5 1DX 1 1 51.823003 -1.287429
OX5 1DY 8 0 51.814776 -1.308419
OX5 1DZ 19 1 51.818153 -1.283806
OX5 1EA 29 3 51.816832 -1.282492
OX5 1EB 36 0 51.814561 -1.281658
OX5 1ED 32 0 51.811875 -1.28054
OX5 1EE 16 6 51.810451 -1.279895