all postcodes in OX7 / CHIPPING NORTON

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
OX7 6AA051.865421-1.565625
OX7 6AB151.865469-1.564158
OX7 6AD051.864548-1.565561
OX7 6AE051.864038-1.56847
OX7 6AF051.865159-1.567675
OX7 6AG151.863045-1.569961
OX7 6AH051.863881-1.569779
OX7 6AJ051.867126-1.564795
OX7 6AL251.872857-1.573063
OX7 6AN151.865541-1.561659
OX7 6AP051.872805-1.552046
OX7 6AQ051.860537-1.57241
OX7 6AR151.851656-1.540002
OX7 6AS051.853209-1.534455
OX7 6AT051.86372-1.567776
OX7 6AU051.86405-1.567221
OX7 6AW151.866694-1.559775
OX7 6AX051.866443-1.557686
OX7 6AY151.866113-1.56572
OX7 6AZ051.866127-1.564442