all postcodes in OX9 / CHINNOR

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX9 3ER 19 15 51.746875 -0.976194
OX9 3ES 1 1 51.747042 -0.976429
OX9 3ET 10 0 51.74463 -0.97208
OX9 3EW 24 13 51.747445 -0.977217
OX9 3EX 31 12 51.745866 -0.974573
OX9 3EZ 1 1 51.745394 -0.974047
OX9 3FA 1 1 51.75005 -0.981468
OX9 3FB 1 1 51.741183 -0.958342
OX9 3FP 1 1 51.74911 -0.975397
OX9 3FR 1 1 51.739856 -0.968018
OX9 3FS 1 1 51.738462 -0.962836
OX9 3FY 1 1 51.748141 -0.978765
OX9 3FZ 1 1 51.748141 -0.978765
OX9 3GA 11 1 51.74853 -0.976975
OX9 3GB 18 0 51.749637 -0.975023
OX9 3GH 1 1 51.748141 -0.978765
OX9 3GW 5 0 51.740424 -0.962023
OX9 3HB 1 1 51.748168 -0.978678
OX9 3HD 1 1 51.738932 -0.964128
OX9 3HG 39 0 51.742258 -0.958911