all postcodes in PA23 / DUNOON

find any address or company within the PA23 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA23 8LH 4 0 55.963214 -4.913726
PA23 8LJ 5 0 55.962279 -4.913352
PA23 8LL 11 0 55.962625 -4.911294
PA23 8LN 24 0 55.962806 -4.911228
PA23 8LP 9 0 55.96244 -4.91378
PA23 8LQ 24 0 55.975759 -4.916562
PA23 8LR 55 0 55.963267 -4.913025
PA23 8LS 7 0 55.961858 -4.915579
PA23 8LT 17 3 55.963101 -4.917447
PA23 8LU 3 1 55.962454 -4.924198
PA23 8LW 15 0 55.963063 -4.912128
PA23 8LX 14 0 55.962665 -4.921714
PA23 8LY 22 0 55.961387 -4.919518
PA23 8LZ 12 0 55.959965 -4.918818
PA23 8NA 19 0 55.960297 -4.917353
PA23 8NB 20 0 55.960618 -4.920117
PA23 8ND 6 0 55.960207 -4.921128
PA23 8NE 16 0 55.959706 -4.91992
PA23 8NF 18 0 55.959765 -4.920822
PA23 8NG 30 0 55.961119 -4.922126