all postcodes in PA23 / DUNOON

find any address or company within the PA23 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA23 7EB 5 0 55.94751 -4.930792
PA23 7ED 27 0 55.947904 -4.931222
PA23 7EE 9 0 55.948439 -4.933313
PA23 7EG 21 1 55.948239 -4.934532
PA23 7EH 6 0 55.948859 -4.93679
PA23 7EJ 9 0 55.948407 -4.937668
PA23 7EP 1 0 55.948472 -4.946228
PA23 7EL 22 0 55.947939 -4.938049
PA23 7EN 10 0 55.948094 -4.935706
PA23 7EW 18 0 55.94929 -4.936053
PA23 7HA 22 13 55.950684 -4.927439
PA23 7HB 28 0 55.884091 -4.970533
PA23 7HG 22 6 55.948033 -4.924664
PA23 7HH 7 2 55.947345 -4.9241
PA23 7HJ 2 2 55.946948 -4.922767
PA23 7HL 1 1 55.957235 -4.928948
PA23 7HN 2 2 55.9468 -4.926729
PA23 7HP 23 0 55.946439 -4.927075
PA23 7HQ 2 0 55.947737 -4.924733
PA23 7HR 11 0 55.946444 -4.926098