all postcodes in PA34 / OBAN

find any address or company within the PA34 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA34 4LX 2 56.408254 -5.483081
PA34 4LY 0 56.408278 -5.481915
PA34 4LZ 0 56.407903 -5.486924
PA34 4NA 0 56.409362 -5.480133
PA34 4NB 0 56.407461 -5.481873
PA34 4ND 0 56.408424 -5.478961
PA34 4PG 0 56.406617 -5.488217
PA34 4NE 1 56.409182 -5.478219
PA34 4NF 0 56.409754 -5.477704
PA34 4NG 0 56.410121 -5.476581
PA34 4NH 4 56.404507 -5.472458
PA34 4NJ 0 56.403693 -5.460417
PA34 4NL 0 56.403678 -5.459978
PA34 4NP 0 56.404929 -5.462524
PA34 4NQ 0 56.409551 -5.476416
PA34 4NS 0 56.402053 -5.468262
PA34 4NT 0 56.411653 -5.474439
PA34 4NU 4 56.412303 -5.473688
PA34 4NW 0 56.402023 -5.460331
PA34 4PA 6 56.405681 -5.475159