all postcodes in PA5 / JOHNSTONE

find any address or company within the PA5 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA5 8BH 3 3 55.838753 -4.507986
PA5 8BN 27 0 55.83236 -4.518211
PA5 8BQ 12 3 55.838036 -4.509234
PA5 8BT 12 6 55.839011 -4.504792
PA5 8BU 16 0 55.832503 -4.517389
PA5 8BX 1 0 55.837713 -4.506082
PA5 8BY 32 0 55.836671 -4.506702
PA5 8BZ 12 1 55.837631 -4.507051
PA5 8DB 2 2 55.838374 -4.506492
PA5 8DD 22 0 55.848548 -4.534388
PA5 8DL 47 2 55.835889 -4.51288
PA5 8DP 50 7 55.835339 -4.511424
PA5 8DR 1 1 55.834347 -4.512031
PA5 8DS 17 0 55.835709 -4.511831
PA5 8DT 21 4 55.836124 -4.512177
PA5 8DU 28 5 55.835728 -4.513972
PA5 8DW 15 0 55.835967 -4.514595
PA5 8DX 1 1 55.836518 -4.513576
PA5 8DY 6 0 55.835034 -4.515828
PA5 8DZ 25 2 55.834657 -4.515788