all postcodes in PA9 / JOHNSTONE

find any address or company within the PA9 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA9 1DD 0 55.784119 -4.565659
PA9 1DE 1 55.770224 -4.553967
PA9 1DF 0 55.778612 -4.550417
PA9 1DG 1 55.796356 -4.55078
PA9 1DH 0 55.800836 -4.569152
PA9 1DJ 0 55.805605 -4.572099
PA9 1DL 1 55.799205 -4.583676
PA9 1DN 2 55.796831 -4.595934
PA9 1DQ 0 55.811337 -4.556964
PA9 1DR 0 55.807834 -4.565879
PA9 1DS 0 55.808294 -4.566244
PA9 1DT 0 55.809206 -4.56391
PA9 1DU 0 55.808895 -4.563746
PA9 1DW 0 55.814076 -4.553169
PA9 1DX 0 55.813198 -4.554356
PA9 1DY 0 55.813311 -4.554938
PA9 1YD 1 55.836882 -4.508505
PA9 1EA 3 0 55.808586 -4.542259
PA9 1EB 1 0 55.81225 -4.551723